Marvel's The Avengers Game: 10 Things You Need To Know

7. No Hawkeye... Yet

Marvels Avengers Team
Marvel Studios

Having tried to hard to make Black Widow a viable option for gameplay, it seems strange that Hawkeye is missing out. He wasn’t featured in the trailer at all, with nothing from Crystal Dynamics to address the elephant in the room.

With archery a standard feature in many RPGs and lots you could do with Hawkeye’s arrow technology, it would be very easy to get Clint Barton in there as part of the team. Just because he’s not there doesn’t mean he’ll be missing forever, though. He could arrive later on, or may just be being saved for further along in the plot.

In the Spider-Man game (okay, this is the last time, and it’s definitely relevant here), Spidey has a handful of quips for the Avengers Tower. One of them mentions them hanging out on the West Coast, thought to be a reference to the West Coast Avengers.

In the comics, Hawkeye is the one who formed this group. He may have been kept out of the trailer to be revealed at a later date, or may have already cut ties with the core Avengers to start this second team.

Either way, despite his absence he’s pretty much a dead cert to feature somewhere.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)