Marvel's The Avengers Game: 10 Things You Need To Know

6. An Original Story

Marvels Avengers Team
Square Enix

All we know about the story so far is literally the opening scene. A-Day, a celebration of the Avengers and how heroic they are, goes south when a bridge is blown up.

Either as a personal choice from the heroes, public backlash, legal pressure or a combination thereof, the group then disbands.

The majority of the game will take place after this moment, and will tell a wholly original story. Granted, nothing is truly original these days and there’ll likely be a handful of nods to the comics, but generally speaking this is new territory. No rehash of a movie narrative, no arc from the comics.

Hopefully, this means the game has been allowed to run wild, and doesn’t mean it’ll just be an open ended mess with no focus.

Not sticking to an arc and putting their own twists on villains (that’s plural) suggests the former, with several classic foes potentially standing in your way.

Thor’s personality in particular seems truer to his comic book form, and while the movies were a huge success it’s good to see the game (so far) avoiding the classic trap of movie to video game adaptions.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)