Mass Effect 2: 10 Cut Characters You Never Knew About

8. The Krogan War Queen

Mass effect krogan
BioWare/Electronic Arts Inc.

Unfortunately, the interview only mentioned the Krogan War Queen in passing. There's very little information on the role of female Krogan within their society, past the effects of the Genophage, but the idea of an Amazonian-style Krogan clan is fascinating.

As the Genophage has ravaged Krogan clans, females are relegated to breeding to help keep the species alive. It's thought-provoking that the developers planned to expand the female Krogans to include a War Queen. She might have led her own clan of female Krogan or dominated males.

The possibilities are endless. The War Queen is one of the concepts need to be included in later games, as it would expand and build upon what we know about Krogan.


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