Mass Effect 2: 10 Reasons Why It's The Best Sci-Fi Game Of All Time

6. Who Is Commander Shepard? Whoever You Want Them To Be

Mass effect 2

Whenever a game gives you the tools to shape your own protagonist, it already has a leg up on most other titles. Who doesn't love putting themselves in games like this with an epic scope and a sense of adaptive storytelling that lets you have a unique playthrough each time you start a new game? Mass Effect 1 had this quality, and this sequel doubles down in more ways than one.

Not only do you get the variances offered by whatever choices you made in the last game, but you get numerous choices of your own throughout that dictate what the next game will look like. What familiar faces will be around come Mass Effect 3? Will people revere the 'heroic' Commander Shepard or will they tell cautionary tales about what happens when you get on their bad side?

Through the game's Paragon/Renegade system, you form Commander Shepard into someone who's as benevolent or malevolent as you desire. This is your story, YOUR Commander Shepard, so make them into whoever you want them to be. Just make sure you still save the galaxy, ok?


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.