Mass Effect 4: 10 Crazy Fan Demands That Won't Be In The Game

8. No Multiplayer

For every fan that loved Mass Effect 3's multiplayer mode, there was another that groaned in despair. For a large subset of players, multiplayer just isn't something they have any interest in, leading some to hope for its exclusion in the fourth entry. Why it'd be great: Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was good fun, but it was little more than a light distraction from the main event. Losing multiplayer would allow Bioware to focus everything on producing a single-player campaign of the highest possible quality. Why it won't happen: One word; Microtransactions. Bioware is owned by EA now, and they're a publisher known for squeezing every last drop of cash from a game and its players. After the financial success of the still-popular Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, there's no way that EA would let Bioware remove it this time around.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.