Mass Effect 4: 10 Crazy Fan Demands That Won't Be In The Game
6. Prothean Civilisation
One of the grand mysteries of the series has always been the legendary Protheans. The precursors to civilisation, we finally got a glimpse into their society and history in the third Mass Effect game. However, there's still a lot to learn, making some fans hope that Mass Effect 4 will be a prequel, set during the height of Prothean civilisation. Why it'd be great: With a prequel, Mass Effect 4 could help to shed light on some of the series' remaining questions, and give us greater insight into the Protheans themselves. The Mass Effect games have always spent a lot of time dwelling on the history of the galaxy, and a prequel would allow players to explore the past further. Why it won't happen: Mass Effect is all about player choices having a meaningful impact on the future. With a prequel, the outcome is predetermined, which kinda takes the fun out of it. Plus, did anyone actually like the Prothean we met in the third game?