Mass Effect 4: 10 Reasons BioWare Must Start A New Saga

6. Other Characters Deserve The Spotlight

Mass Effect 2 cast portrait One of the main draws of Mass Effect was the characters, especially the members of Shepard€™s squad. As we talked to them, we often got teased with bits of backstory that were never explored (aside from things that led into side quests/loyalty missions). Garrus, Wrex, Kasumi, Thane, and Mordin in particular have long backstories with plenty of adventures, making them great choices for the leads of a new saga if Bioware is feeling conservative. Things get even more fun if we look at some of the more memorable side characters seen throughout the franchise. Major Kirrahe, Captain Bailey, and Primarch Victus are just a few of the characters that could easily have a whole story or set of stories revolve around them. But Bioware, if you€™re reading this, please don€™t ever make a game where we play as Conrad Verner.
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