Mass Effect 4: 10 Reasons BioWare Must Start A New Saga

5. It€™s Time To See History

Mass Effect Codex Entry One of the best and worst things about Mass Effect is the extensive background info on the setting. While there€™s tons of historical stuff in the planet descriptions and Codex entries, most of it doesn€™t matter to the average fan. Most people aren€™t going to think of the story or fan art potential of the €œbeings of light€ seen on Klencory or the Rachni War because of that old adage: Show, don€™t tell. Shepard€™s saga matters to players and fans because they€™ve seen and played it, while the 50,000 years that come before it are barely a blip on fans€™ radar. A new saga would have a chance to fix all that. Why? Because odds are that a new story would be set before ME3, to avoid having to deal with the divergent endings. Why not go further back, to any of the numerous wars that happened on the Citadel Council€™s watch? Bioware has the writers to make an all alien cast work and the Codex provides the basic facts for any number of stories. If Bioware really wants to prove Mass Effect is a viable intellectual property in the long term, there are worse ways to do it.
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