Mass Effect Andromeda: 10 Impressions From The First 10 Hours

2. The Characters Aren't Very Interesting (So Far)

Mass Effect Andromeda - Peebee and Ryder

Andromeda's introductory mission feels really, really rushed, and one has to wonder: why? If there's any franchise that can take its time, it's this one, slowly introducing characters and scenarios, but instead, BioWare has flung way too much at the player way too fast.

For starters, the player is almost immediately informed about their comatose sibling, but it means nothing because we haven't met that character before. Then a tragedy befalls the protagonist in the opening mission and, again, it falls flat emotionally because no clear bond has been established.

The player is never really asked to care. There are certainly promising characters here, such as Cora and Peebee in particular, but there are also laughable meatheads like Liam. Only time can tell how they'll pan out, of course, because it definitely took (a little) time for most players to warm to Garrus, Wrex and so on in the previous games.

Still, it's not an encouraging tone to strike from the outset.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.