Mass Effect Andromeda: 9 Gameplay Overhauls You Need To Know About

2. Mid-Air Aim Hover & Shoulder-Switching

Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect and Halo are possibly gaming's two most prolific and beloved sci-fi franchises of all time, so it's nice to see them share a feature or two.

Introduced in Halo 5: Guardians, Andromeda will also have the same 'instant hover' mechanic trigger whenever you aim a weapon in mid-air. In Halo, this allows you to line-up headshots or ground-slams at the apex of your jump, and as we've seen briefly in the CES demo for Andromeda, can be chained into a Biotic Charge.

Another minor tweak is shoulder-switching when aiming - pretty much a bog-standard feature of any third-person shooter - this shows Bioware really are looking to refine and push the action elements of the game.

Hopping your viewpoint between shoulders only really comes into play in tactile third-person shooters like Ghost Recon or The Division where taking angles of rooms or environments into account truly matters, and it's not something we've had to really think about in past instalments.

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Gaming Editor

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