Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

8. Potential For 'Unbelievable' Powers

mass effect andromeda

Remember when Bioware added the Omni-Blade in ME3? Fans had to take a step back and reconsider how a light-emitting wrist console could actually change into forming not just something solid, but a genuine dagger to skewer enemies with.

It felt as though the team were stretching the possibilities of what their universe could produce, creating a weapon for combat that was ultimately unnecessary, but would appeal to a more action-loving audience.

Now, we've got... a flamethrower, which would be fine if it was a special weapon a la the Nuke Launcher or the flamethrowers that appeared beforehand, but now you're literally blasting foes with a Witcher-like stream of fire.

Visually cool? Kinda, but ultimately this sort of visual is way more at home in a fantasy-based setting with more standard magic-based attacks, not the well thought-out, sci-fi trappings of Mass Effect.

What I'm saying is: If Bioware took five years, looked at all the potential for cool new powers, weapons and abilities and came back with more shoulder-charging and a fire-based magic power, that's cause for concern.

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