Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

7. Brawn Over Brains (Again)

Mass Effect Andromeda

In the third-person shooter wars that raged across the 2000s and early 2010s, I'd say Mass Effect held its own pretty damn well against the mighty Gears of War - unlike say, Resident Evil, which died on the vine attempting to imitate the competition with disastrously soulless results.

For Mass Effect though, following ME2 we had powers ranging from basic slow-motion toggles to distance-closing warp-strikes, gravity-removing elevations, brutal slams, life-sucking drains and ground-based shockwaves.

It was brilliant.

Mass Effect 3 carried that to its natural end, resulting in a Nolan-esque 'Lived too long to become the villain' rationale as fans became sick of fighting the same enemies in the same way. Bioware's third instalment was a textbook case of brawn over brains, and with a handful of gameplay clips now being shown for ME:A, it seems far too much focus is on more of the same combat, as oppose to anything truly innovative or original.

And no, sadly, a jetpack boost just doesn't cut it as a worthwhile inclusion. Not from what we've seen, anyway.

Gaming Editor
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