Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

6. Key Mass Effect Personnel Have Left Bioware

Mass Effect Andromeda

Let's get a little inside baseball for a second, as since Mass Effect 3 released - and following the storm of controversy and unabashed rage that ensued - Bioware lost no less than four key staff members.

Both lead writers David Gaider and Chris Schlerf joined Senior Editor Cameron Harris as ex-Bioware employees in the last couple of years, some citing the negative reaction to ME3. However the biggest changeup is Casey Hudson, former Creative Director on the franchise, and pretty much the Ken Levine/Patrice Desilets to Mass Effect, what those guys were to Bioshock and Assassin's Creed.

And we all know how much of an empty feeling AC started having after Desilets left. Because if you don't know, it was after Brotherhood...

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