Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

5. Lack Of Real Narrative Drive

mass effect andromeda

Go on, describe the story of Mass Effect: Andromeda. I'll wait.

Yes, you're 'exploring a new galaxy to find a home for humanity' (following the close of the trilogy's events), but it's hardly 'Stopping a rogue special agent and investigating the invasion of a supernatural force along the way', is it?

ME2 brought about the Collectors, and yes, Andromeda has the mysterious Remnant who already feel as though they'll serve the same narrative function as both the Collectors and Reapers, but as yet they've barely been part of the marketing.

We're yet to see Bioware even mention the original trilogy in any respect, other than to say Andromeda takes place at first in parallel and then far, far away from the events of ME 3, but in attempting to create a fresh origin point for the franchise, they've ended up with a blank slate devoid of any real story-based hook.

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