Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

4. The Khet Look Uninspired

mass effect khet

Maybe it was just me, but I took the whole 'moving to a new galaxy' thing as a clean slate. A chance to start anew; invent new races, new enemy designs, new weapons - everything from the ground up, all over again.

Yes, fans would freak out if the likes of the Asari, Quarians, Turians etc. didn't make some appearance (handled in a genius manner by putting them on the Andromeda Initiative ships in the first place), but if this is some sort of 'bold, new step' for Mass Effect, why do we have have another humanoid enemy type?

For me, it reeks of design that falls too much into basic trade-fire cover mechanics and third-person shooting, as oppose to designing an antagonistic force that could then force you to vary up your tactics. For the Khet to be such a major force in the game - and bare so much resemblance to both the Geth and the Collectors - for me, is a tad worrying as to the scope of this supposed 'new galaxy'.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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