Mass Effect Andromeda CES Trailer: 10 Reasons You Should Be Worried

3. That Facial Animation

Another one for the "I really hope this isn't the case" pile, but at the trailer shown during the Game Awards, main character Ryder's face was front and centre during a heated exchange - only for it to barely move.

Bioware staffers were quick to address the issue on social media, commenting that it was still being worked on and not to worry, but... well, why have that shot be in the demo at all?

Due to all sorts of scheduling conflicts it's impossible to say what 'should' and 'shouldn't' have happened before the public got eyes on, but it's still a pretty big worry being that we're only a couple of months away from release, and are yet to see extended footage of the one thing Mass Effect fans love most: inter-species, story-based interactions.

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