Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

9. Shepard's Presence Is Still Felt

Mass Effect 3

Bioware have said over and over (and over) that Andromeda is a new, clean break for the franchise - then you get into the game, and one of the first things it asks you is what gender your Shepard was.

Whilst this could allude to some sort of 'default Shep' being shown (because Andromeda has no way of reading your last-gen save), it does mean that characters will discuss Shepard every now and then.

After all, due to its placement in the canon, the crew of the Andromeda Initiative know Shepard as "that guy" or "that girl" who was the first human Spectre, the one who 'defected' to Cerberus after coming back from the dead and tackled the Collectors (depending on how much information got out in the end).

Either way, it's a great idea to marry the old with the new, allowing Bioware to acknowledge our past efforts before moving forward with confidence.

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