Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

8. Levelling System Is 100% Combat-Focused

Andromeda Class

Remember all the times in the original trilogy it was slightly annoying you couldn't access particular conversation options, just because you hadn't 'unlocked' the ability to say them?

Yeah, that was kinda dumb in retrospect (it's not like a human being wouldn't think these things anyway), so Bioware have remedied it accordingly.

The new levelling system factors into Andromeda's new take on dialogue, which is to say, it removes the notion of 'levelling up' your speech, and instead frames its entire skill tree around combat powers. This means you're no longer thinking about putting points into the likes of 'charm' or 'intimidate', and instead can focus on speccing your Ryder in whatever combat direction you'd prefer.

Speaking of which...

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