Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Hands-On: 11 New Details You Need To Know

7. You Can Switch Classes Whenever, Or Start From Scratch If You Prefer

mass effect andromeda

The ability to completely respec your character has existed in past Mass Effect games, and in Andromeda, Bioware have included an option aboard the Tempest to completely wipe the slate clean, if you choose.

It will apparently come with a monetary cost that increases each time, so as to dissuade you from hitting the reset button every few hours, but the option is still there.

More interestingly though, is the idea of not being locked to one particular power set. In the older games - especially ME2 and 3 with their class-based special attacks - once you'd chosen which power set you wanted, that was it for the entirety of the game.

No more.

In Andromeda, just hop into a menu and you can switch class powers between everything from Biotic Charges to stealthy cloaking devices on the fly, maximising the amount of options you have for each encounter.

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