Mass Effect Andromeda Story Recap: 10 Major Plot Points You Need To Know

6. Your Companion, Cora, Might Be The Illusive Man's Daughter

Mass Effect Andromeda Cora Harper

This may end up being just a fun little easter egg, but there's no way that Cora's last name is a coincidence. In that same Andromeda Initiative video, you find out that Cora's last name is Harper. The Illusive Man may have remained relatively nameless throughout the original trilogy after appearing in the second instalment as a master manipulator of various seismic events, but if you take a look at Mass Effect: Evolution, the ME graphic novel written by the lead writer of ME2, he is identified as Jack Harper.

It would seem, then, that our new companion is related to The Illusive Man.

Now, what this could be mean for the story remains unclear. Could she be a Cerberus insider (there were rumors a year or so ago that Cerberus does somehow show up in the story), has she inherited some of his manipulative tendencies, or is it just a name?

Her combat capabilities and biotics seem to portray a character that certainly can hold her own in combat, but it remains to be seen how her interaction with the crew will be. Let's just say, if she starts sitting in chairs and smoking cigarettes ominously, it may be time to start worrying.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.