Mass Effect: Ranking Every Main Squad Member In The Original Trilogy

18. Morinth

Samara Mass Effect

Morinth is more of an interesting character than she is a good companion. The criminal daughter of squad member Samara, Morinth is the target of Samara's loyalty mission. When the two eventually are locked in a biotic battle, the option is available to kill Samara and have Morinth assume her identity on the Normandy.

The choice is dark and perfect for a Renegade Shepard but Morinth feels stunted in terms of potential character development compared to her mother. Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, a succubus-like Asari who kills her victims when she drains them during sex. Such a character keeps her at a certain emotional distance making the player's connection to her low.

Morinth just doesn't quite fit into the squad dynamics and ends up feeling out of place. That being said, the opportunity for the player to essentially kill themselves by sleeping with Morinth was an unneeded yet rather amusing addition to the game.

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