Mass Effect: Ranking Every Main Squad Member In The Original Trilogy

17. Zaeed Massani

Samara Mass Effect

Zaeed was one of two DLC companions for Mass Effect 2. A fearsome and unsociable bounty hunter, Zaeed was a full Renegade squad mate that left no room for middle ground. His loyalty mission involves him tracking down an old enemy of his that you have to complete by doing the Renegade option, otherwise he's practically guaranteed to die in the suicide mission.

This kind of narrow choice is not usually favoured within the trilogy which can make it seem slightly frustrating. That being said, Zaeed himself can be fun. Grouchy and unapproachable at all times, Zaeed can provide decent humour as he hates everything around him. His war stories of his time as a mercenary can also be genuinely interesting for players that enjoy those in-universe anecdotes.

Being a DLC character Zaeed's dialogue is limited, as is his screen time in Mass Effect 3. Javik feels more integrated into the Normandy and Kasumi has a better recruitment mission which sadly leaves Zaeed as the worst downloadable companion on the squad.

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