Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

8. EDI

Mass Effect characters

A little fun fact for you - EDI is actually the AI that went rogue on the Alliance's Moon base in ME1. If you knew that - congratulations, you're officially a hardcore fan! In the later games, however, she's more like Joker's wife.

Even though she's an AI, EDI has a personality all of her own - it's really interesting to see a "machine" develop its character based on the humans around it. It definitely gives her a more human feel - and her arguments with Joker and attempts at cracking jokes are often hilarious in all the wrong ways.

She's got a cool story arc as well, with Shepard able to encourage her and Joker into something like a proper relationship, which is almost a reason by itself to choose Synthesis - and if human/alien relationships are fine in the future, why not human/robot ones too?

She's versatile in combat and is more memorable than a lot of human characters - there's a lot to like about EDI.

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Mass Effect
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Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.