Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

14. James Vega

Mass Effect characters
As a person, James is lovely - he may look intimidating but underneath all those muscles is a heart of gold. His dialogue is also pretty funny most of the time - there's plenty of sexual tension between him and the ladies of the Normandy (and Cortez).

It's not that James has a bad or an uninteresting backstory or character progression - it's just that it isn't very memorable because there's a lot of talk and not a lot of anything else. That means he's often overlooked when remembering the highs and lows of the series - which is a shame, because his doubts and insecurities about his past decisions are pretty touching.

Being introduced in ME3 he was a latecomer to the series, which didn't help his case. A really nice guy that takes a lot of punishment in battle - but just not an iconic member of the team.

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Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.