Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

12. Samara/Morinth

Mass Effect characters
For all extents and purposes, Samara and Morinth are functionally the same in battle - their only difference being their loyalty powers. Personality-wise, however, they couldn't be more different. The mother and daughter pair essentially embody the Paragon/Renegade morality which is constant throughout the series, so picking between them is usually a fairly easy choice depending on your allegiances.

Samara's loyalty mission is one of the more varied and interesting ones in ME2 - chatting to Morinth about love and life is very different from having a shootout with the Collectors - and the duel with her daughter at the climax of the mission is intense. Watching two insanely powerful Biotics pushing each other to the limit is a sight to behold.

They're never particularly well explored before or after their duel - but that scene, along the intimacy you feel from with Samara's solemn oath to give her life to Shepard on Illium, is why fans will fondly remember the Justicar and her daughter.

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