Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

11. Jack

Mass Effect characters
Subject Zero is the theoretically the most powerful human Biotic alive, and she has a mean attitude to match. From the first meeting, she's very prickly and doesn't make it easy to get along with her - but then again, given what happened to her at the Cerberus facility, it's no surprise that she finds it difficult to trust people.

Jack is characterised pretty well - during her loyalty mission in the Cerberus facility, it's easy to see the conflicting emotions within her because of everything she suffered through.

She does soften up a bit though - and it leads to some nice character progression where she learns not to look out only for herself. She matures from ME2 into ME3 and becomes someone that nervous Biotics can look up to - Jack really cares for the Grissom Academy students, and her quote about blaming Shepard for being dependable is memorable and heartwarming.

Jack divides opinion amongst fans, but she's got a decent character arc and a few cool moments - just not as many as the others.

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Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.