Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

10. Miranda Lawson

Mass Effect characters

Miranda is cold and aloof when she's first introduced, and it takes a long time to warm up to her, if that happens at all. She seems to be very distrusting of Shepard and views him more like a tool at first - which sort of makes sense given how Shepard was revived from the dead, but doesn't make her likeable.

It's only when she finally starts to doubt Cerberus' intentions and fight for what she believes in that we can see underneath that icy shell. You can see how much she cares about her sister, and goes to extraordinary lengths to make sure she's not taken captive by their father - even potentially sacrificing herself in ME3 to achieve her goals.

In keeping with her theme of perfection, Miranda has probably the most complete set of abilities in ME2. She's calculating and efficient - but her loyalty mission and subsequent exploits in the Cerberus facilities give show the Ice Queen at her most vulnerable, which makes her an interesting and memorable character.

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