Mass Effect: Ranking The Characters From Worst To Best

9. Grunt

Mass Effect characters
A genetically engineered super Krogan, Grunt certainly packs a mean punch. If you're feeling particularly cruel, Shepard can choose to leave him in his hibernation pod, but you'll miss out on the Grunt show if you do.

Grunt's story arc is great, even if his character progression is less so - he never really gets more complicated than "Super Krogan Smash Things". But he is responsible for two of the most intense parts of the trilogy, scenes that get your blood pumping and the adrenaline flowing.

One is of course his loyalty mission in ME2 - fighting a Thresher Maw is ridiculous, suicidal - but amazing. The feeling of taking out that colossal beast is second to none. The other moment is watching him reappear from the Rachni nest in ME3, bloody and battered but alive, after being certain of his death in the network of caves - a scene which sends shivers down the spine.

Fans will find it hard to forget Grunt - he's not exactly the most subtle.
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