Mass Effect Remastered NEW INFO - Gameplay Overhaul, ME3 Ending Change & More

3. Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Not Included

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer

For some, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer was a shining beacon of memorability; a neat story idea that tied the idea of "Galactic Readiness" against the Reaper invasion, directly to matchmaking and performance.

To others, Mass Effect was never about multiplayer whatsoever, and its inclusion was but a distraction to an otherwise story-first package.

With that in mind, Bioware note that you can absolutely still play Mass Effect 3's original multiplayer if you want to - the servers are still up. Mass Effect Andromeda's multiplayer is also still live, for those who want to use it.

For the Legendary Edition though, multiplayer has been removed from Mass Effect 3.

How this affects "Galactic Readiness" remains to be seen - assumedly UI tweaks get around representing multiplayer data in the game's new build - but either way:

No ME3 multiplayer in the Legendary Edition.

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