Max Payne 3: 8 Ideas To Improve DLC And Multiplayer

4. Pimp My Avatar: More Customization

Having the option to customize your avatar is always awesome. People are able to tailor their in-game personas to realistic death dealers or goofy assailaints, and that's what makes it such a great addition to any multiplayer mode. Call us greedy, but we want to see more variety in the choices for avatar creation. Rockstar could include a color option that allows players to add a more personal flair to their characters. Should the Max Payne 3 team add in more variety for the base clothing, along with implementing a color selection option, players would have a wider range of items to create the perfect avatar. While they're at it, they could integrate a way for your Crew Emblem to be placed anywhere on your clothing, or even create it as a tattoo for avatar placement. Wear it with pride. Wear it with pride. I would wear the Lazercatz logo like a boss.

5. Bring In More Tools Of The Trade

Rockstar has already done a great job of offering up a variety of weaponry for gamers to get their hands on. The addition of unlockable attachments provides stat bonuses, and gameplay perks which prove to cater to your individual play style. You can even unlock a gold weapon skin after you've collected each golden part of the gun in single player. While these are great and all, it feels as if many of the weapons within the same individual class aren't drastically different. I've often completely forgotten which assault rifle I'm using because of the similarities between weaponry. Here's to the hopes that with future DLC, Rockstar will include weaponry that not only fires differently, but offers the opportunity to have a unique visual appeal. Rockstar has teased us with the ability to design our own Crew emblems, so why not let us slap a decal on our weapon of choice? Offer gamers the chance to select different camo patterns on their guns, or even a primary/secondary color. Weapon attachments provide an even greater opportunity. Including a variety of sights that don't require your avatar to enter FPS mode would be amazing. Tightening the reticule and zooming in a minimal amount would work wonders. Oh, and if you could add a bayonet attachment that increases melee accuracy and speed well, that would just be neat. Click "Next" below to read on...

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