Metal Gear Solid 6: 10 Ways To Make It Work Without Kojima

2. Forge The Boss' Legacy With The Cobra Unit

The existence of an ultra-powerful band of overpowered supernatural soldiers was always a tough sell in MGS 3, but we went with it, because y'know... Metal Gear. Plus, at this stage we'd seen Vamp run on water and acknowledged Fortune's heart was on the right, so we were ready for anything.

However, the idea of playing as The Boss is a double-edged sword. On the one hand you've got the most powerful and consistently misunderstood female character in the entire mythology, one that you could flesh out considerably showing her training a young Naked Snake, getting to know a young Cobra Unit and perhaps even her furtive interactions with Doctor Strangelove.

On the other though, her position in the canon as this near-mythical figure of power has to remain quasi-religious for the sake of the other characters' motivations to have any gravitas. It might be interesting showing that the real Boss wasn't as flawless as we're led to believe - or maybe she was, but she was forever human - as that would also flip all the other games on their heads yet again.

Although when you think about it... nothing would be more 'Metal Gear' than that.

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