Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

3. Big Boss (MGS 1/4-Era) - Sean Bean

Metal Gear Solid Sean Bean Big Boss

Simply needing to appear, spout some major expositional dialogue, make an impact and die immediately, what better role is there for Sean Bean?

The guy is so likeable in everything he does, there'd be no one better - plus if the story we get replicates MGS 4's, we need someone who can deliver lengthy monologues whilst keeping the audience entertained. If it's an older Metal Gear timeline we get, a more evil Sean Bean fits the bill too, going up against our protagonist multiple times before being flattened or scorched alive respectively.

Whether Bean can pull off an American accent remains to be seen, but in a role where he can cut loose and scream "SNAAAAAKE!" or channel his most contemplative Ned Stark to provide the movie's closing twist, either would be a suitable fit.

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