Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

14. Raiden - Ezra Miller

Metal Gear Solid Raiden
Konami/Warner Bros.

One of the best characters in Metal Gear, Raiden needs to go from being a literal laughing stock - raised on VR training to think he's the ultimate soldier - to a devastating child soldier backstory rounding out just how many memories he's trying to suppress.

Aesthetically we've got a character who was always designed to be devoid of gender, with many initial sketches making Raiden look entirely feminine. As such, Ezra Miller has the perfect facial structure to walk that effeminate line, whilst also getting the audience on-side when he does finally step up to bat.

MGS 2 alone has a number of really great moments like Raiden fighting alongside Snake against the Tengu soldiers, taking down a Harrier jet with a rocket launcher or having a sword fight with Solidus Snake on the roof of Federal Hall. MGS 4 would take the formerly 'weak' character and make him a super strength-infused cyborg ninja, but no matter what, that fragility needs to always be at the heart of Raiden's portrayal.

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