Metal Gear Solid Movie: Fan-Casting Every Major Role

13. Psycho Mantis - Jackie Earle Haley

Metal Gear Solid Psycho Mantis
Konami/Warner Bros.

Another boss character with a surprising amount of depth, Psycho Mantis needs to have an immediately creepy presence; one that doesn't give away the extent of his powers, yet maintains him as a key player in the early goings of something like MGS 1's plot.

Once you beat Mantis, he reveals all sorts of issues with being a psychokinetically-infused individual, revealing that despite the facade of mind-controlling troops and helping break characters like the DARPA Chief, he'd actually burned down his family home and is more than ready to be put to rest.

Watchmen's Jackie Earle Haley would have to play the role with Mantis' mask on until the very end, but when that entire character comes through in those closing moments, he'd do a fantastically haunting job.

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