Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain - 10 Insane New Features You Must See

7. In-Mission Cardboard Box Costume-Changes

Kojima is verging on the wrong side of self-parody with all this cardboard box business, as at E3 we saw the new hide-able boxes can be adorned with pictures of scantily-clad ladies that will confuse guards - or even an image of another saluting guard that your enemy will obey and respond to. So far, so Metal Gear, but in the TGS demo Snake actually started a mission completely unequipped in terms of his sneaking suit and gadgets - aside from the iDroid - and after a lengthy climb up the side of a hill, airdropped in a change of clothes. As the demo was in Japanese we're going to assume this is one of two things, either there are going to be some situations where due to any number of factors you're forced to tackle a sequence of missions in quick succession, recouping your losses afterwards. Or this was just a completely optional thing, as the team driving the demo had Snake in a shirtless attire more reminiscent of something from Snake Eater, only to then 'order in' his Ground Zeroes/Peace Walker-style black sneaking suit.
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