Metal Gear Solid V - 10 Characters Who Could Make A Surprise Appearance

8. Major Raikov

Major Raikov's role in the game is usually to provide some comic relief and in Metal Gear, comic relief characters are just as vital as the ultra serious ones. Raikov is most well known for being Colonel Volgin's lover in Snake Eater but his deliberate resemblance to Raiden is what really causes him to stick in the mind. Perhaps Kojima wanted to give us a villainous character with Raiden's face - somebody the fans could really rally against. Despite this though, he also joins FOXHOUND during the events of Portable Ops, perhaps launching his own storyline, similar to how fellow comic-relief character Johnny Sasaki received some needed character development during Metal Gear Solid 4. A storyline for a relatively minor character might seem quite pointless for a game seemingly as expansive as The Phantom Pain, but these smaller, more eccentric characters are usually vital to Kojima's plans - Metal Gear Solid is a series that makes you want to laugh as well as cry. Admittedly, an appearance in Metal Gear Solid V might be a bit silly (after all, he's a pretty ridiculous character) but if Kojima decides that the game needs a hefty dose of crotch-grabbing (as always), Raikov is the man to bring it.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.