Metal Gear Solid V: 8 Reasons To Be Concerned

8. Supernatural Elements

Supernatural1 When the initial trailer for The Phantom Pain was revealed, the supernatural elements that were on display really jumped off the screen. Metal Gear has always had these types of events included in their stories, but none of the previous games were being rooted in as much un-reality as Kojima is supposedly going for this time. Flaming whales that swallow helicopters, burning unicorns, and seemingly resurrected characters were peppered throughout the trailer that debuted in December 2012 at the VGAs. Most fans have already concluded that these are a result of some sort of mind control from a young Psycho Mantis, and that these visions are only present inside the mind of Big Boss. I truly hope this is the case, and that these happenings will not extend outside of the hospital escape scene. However, if they do extend throughout the rest of the game, they could override the tone that Kojima is going for with this story.

Loving father. Sports fanatic. Lyrical genius. Metal Gear Savant. Just your typical all around ball of awesomeness.