Metal Gear Solid V: Every Piece Of Cut Content You Need To See

7. D-Dog Was Originally ARhodesian Ridgeback


Maybe this was changed in aid of Huey's comment on people leading double lives (as a RidgebackIS a dog, making his "It's not a dog, it's a wolf" comparisonredundant), but earlier concept sketches for DD (alongside initial demos of Phantom Painin the African setting) showed your companion to not be a wolf at all.

Ridgebacks can still be seen in the opening cutscene of Ground Zeroes too, and were intended to be in the game as enemies (more on that later). Hell, look at the Diamond Dogs logo - it's the same breedthat'sstanding by Snake in some olderartwork.

Answers in the comments as to why this was altered, because it really doesn't add up. It could be down to the unlockable 'Fox' skin for DD you acquire later in the game; something Kojima decided he wanted instead of an otherwise-obscure breed that wouldn't of been able to make him a living version of the Foxhound logo, but it remains that dogs in general weren't meant to be utilised by you in such a one-sided way...

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