Metal Gear Solid V: Every Piece Of Cut Content You Need To See

6. The Showering Mechanic Had More Purpose

There are essentially three main enemy types in Phantom Pain; human soldiers, Walkers and Skulls - the latter doubling asboss characters, despite existing as a 'Unit'.

This above audio showcases the fact that - at some point early on - Miller would tell you about enemy guard dogs whose "sense of smell is better than ours", alongside the fact they'd bark if you got too close, and could even see in the dark. For whatever reason they were completely cut out, but you can totally see how they would've factored into a better and more balanced gameplay experience.

Most likely the houndswould've sniffed you out if you weren't returning to Mother Base to shower regularly, and could even pose a significant threat to missions undertaken at night (which as they exist right now, makes for a much easier time).

It's possible Konami didn't want to give Kojima's team enough money/resources to look into developing animations for dog-on-dog violence (if you let DD loose on an enemy canine), or maybe there's a whole can of worms that gaming's never gone near when it comes to the idea of animal fightingbeing facilitatedby the player.

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