Metal Gear Solid V: Every Piece Of Cut Content You Need To See

5. A Very Pivotal Cutscene Involving Big Boss &Skull Face

Possibly the strangest removal of a scene comes from the launch trailer - something Kojima himself put together as the last MGS-related thing he'd ever do.

Back in 2001 you didn't see any shots of Snake fighting Grey Fox in the Big Shell close to MGS 2's rollout, and for TPP the scene shows an increasingly bloodied and decrepit Big Boss slowly turning into Skull Face as he walks towards the camera. The nearest thing to a justification comes from the story implication that Skull Face was always operating behind the scenes on all of Big Boss' missions, spreading his legendwhilst getting increasingly angrier he wasn't getting any of the credit.

Maybe it was meant to illustrate the fine line between sanity and madness when it comes to operating in war, or maybe it was part of a larger plot that hinted at both characters being one and the same - something that was scrapped for time and replaced with that weird monologue-filled 'jeep scene' instead.

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