Metal Gear Survive: 10 Brutally Honest Early Impressions You Need To Know

5. Melee Combat Is Sluggish (But Can Be Satisfying)

Metal Gear Survive

Although MGS V had a wealth of weapons, it never focused on melee combat. Sure, you could batter people at the speed of light with Snake's fists, but there weren't many other blunt or sharp objects you could pick up to take out enemies with.

Being a more resource-sensitive, stealth-based game though, Survival has massively increased the focus on handheld personal weapons. Being able to wield swords or gigantic hammers to take out zombies up close and personal isn't just a case of mashing a few buttons either, and it requires a surprising amount of precision to pull of those flashy insta-kills.

Still, the new approach isn't without its faults, and with only a limited pool of animations and incredibly sluggish handling on the larger items, it seems as though melee attacks aren't all that viable. It's looks like it's satisfying to smash in a zombie's face with sledgehammer (that should go without saying), but 99% of the time you'll be left pining for the agility of V's Big Boss.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3