Metroid: 25 Greatest Boss Fights RANKED

21. Phantoon - Super Metroid

metroid dread

The Metroid series has always focused on precision and timing and few bosses exemplify those principles more than Phantoon in Super Metroid.

The spectre is intangible for most of the fight, meaning Samus has few opportunities to hit him. However, Phantoon keeps launching phantom eyes across the room, making it tricky to find the right spot and time to blast him in the eye (which is located in his mouth for some reason).

This wouldn't be too hard if Phantoon didn't diversify his attacks so often. The motion of his phantom eyes can be horizontal, vertical, circular, or crescent, making them tricky to dodge. Even though Phantoon reappeared in Metroid: The Other M as the final boss, this ghost's first appearance is more entertaining and far scarier battle.


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