Metroid: 25 Greatest Boss Fights RANKED

20. Corpius - Metroid Dread

metroid dread

The first boss of each Metroid game is usually very easy since the player is still getting the hang of things.

However, Metroid Dread's Corpius didn't seem to get the memo since he's rock-hard despite being the game's first foe. As soon as you enter his chambers, the scorpion-like specimen will try to impale you, spew acid, or whip you with his tail.

If that doesn't sound too hard, that's just the first phase. (Yes, the first boss of the game has multiple phases.) Throughout the battle, Corpius will go invisible, cover the ground in energy-sapping goo, block his vulnerable spot, and take a chomp out of our hero at every given opportunity

He's pretty tough but lets players know early on that the level of difficulty they'll have to endure throughout the game is much higher than you'd expect.


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