Monster Hunter 4: 8 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

5. Cure The Frenzy Virus Easily

A frenzied monster behaves like it just stepped on a plug made of Lego; it is irrationally angry at the world and everything in it, especially when some of the beings in its vicinity are nonchalantly hack away at its shins. Taking on a frenzied beast will inevitably lead to you getting infected with the virus as well, making incoming frenzied attacks much more powerful while taking away your ability to heal naturally. The only way to stave off these effects is to either sleep (the boring option) or go into a blind rage and deal a hefty, relentless onslaught of damage to your enemy. There's actually a slightly easier, more cowardly way of dealing with it; just go to a different area and kill some smaller, less threatening animals until you fill up your frenzy meter and overcome the virus. You'll feel as fresh as a daisy that just massacred a bunch of innocent herbivores.

When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.