Mortal Kombat 1: 22 Biggest WTF Moments

5. Choose Your Fighter

mortal kombat 1 ermac king jarrod
NetherRealm Studios

Because Liu Kang is the protagonist, fans expect to play as bandanna-wearing deity while facing off against the final boss.

Instead, the Story Mode does something unprecedented: It allows players to select any character during the last section. Whether your main is Scorpion, Kung Lao, or Reiko, you can bring them into the final fight, making the showdown ten times more satisfying.

But it gets even better. Before squaring off against Titan Shang Tsung, players must contend with his soldiers from other timelines. And the opponents will be very different, depending on who players chose as their champion.

As our hero marches up the pyramid, they may have to face with the likes of Quantum Chi, robot Smoke, Ninja Mime, a female Scorpion, Baraka with hair (it looks really weird), Kitana Kahn, Shao Zero, or a Geras/Reptile hybrid called Klockodile (excellent name), plus many more.

There are over 30 of these unique characters to encounter, and it encourages players to replay this sequence again and again to see them all.


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