Mortal Kombat 10: 10 Things We Want To See

1. Konquest Mode The main story in MK9 was brilliant and did a splendid job of incorporating every character and telling a phenomenal story. However, there were fans who had grown to really like Mortal Kombat's Konquest Mode from previous games, which featured one character traversing the realms and pulling the story together to find out what the hell was going on. It worked tremendously well in Deception, but fell a little flat in Armageddon. MK9's story featured great cutscenes and voice-acting, but some fans felt it tedious to keep fighting in the same type of one-on-one encounter repeatedly; especially with the existence of the Ladder Mode. Re-adding Konquest Mode and revamping it to have the same fun and unique feel of something like 3rd-person action adventure Shaolin Monks, would make just as easy to relay an overarching storyline. More importantly, it wouldn't take away from the Ladder Mode or Challenge Tower and therefore would diminish chances of redundancy. It would also allow for surprise cameos, origin stories, and side missions that otherwise would not fit into the main story without feeling shoehorned in. What are the rest of you guys looking forward to, or think needs changing?

Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.