Mortal Kombat 11: 10 Guest Characters Fans Demand

5. Blade

Mortal Kombat 11
Marvel Comics

If a Marvel character is ever going to feature in Mortal Kombat, surely it’ll be Blade. He’s yet to feature in the MCU, and with the complex vampire lore surrounding him, is probably never going to. However, he has featured on screen before so the appeal runs far deeper than just comic book readers.

One of the other reasons he might be pushed aside by Kevin Feige’s movie empire is that he’s simply too violent. However, that’s unlikely to be a problem along side Kitana, Liu Kang or Shang Tsung. Having its characters rip each other apart is what Mortal Kombat does best. Blade’s acid etched, titanium sword is perfect for that.

We’d likely never get to see it of he fought alongside Spider-Man or Scarlet Witch, but at least Mortal Kombat would be able to show us Blade disembowelling his foes. In the last two editions, they’ve gone for cult horror movie villains. While Blade isn’t really a horror (nor is he a villain), his cult stock is constantly on the rise.

With Marvel’s Avengers Endgame sure to smash box office records, Blade is a reminder of one of the first comic book movies to show the world its potential.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)