Mortal Kombat 11: All 19 Characters CONFIRMED So Far

4. Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage mortal kombat 10

Status: Seen on roster screen in "behind the scenes" video & leaked by voice actor.

Spotted by eagle-eyed fans during the official Mortal Kombat 11 behind the scenes video - and leaked thanks to Mexican voice actor Mario Casteneda - we know Johnny Cage's story still has more to it.

For the former we see Cage appear in a vs. screen on one of the monitors while a member of the team is talking, and Casteneda's twitter is where he mentioned bringing Johnny to life for the new game.

Bizarrely, MK X actually wrapped Johnny Cage's arc pretty damn well. We've gone from martial arts movie star to egotistical self-aware a-hole, all the way through to married family man who's passed on his power and skills to daughter, Cassie.

However, it seems this energy inside the Cages is going to be a big deal in the overall canon, with MK X showing Shinnok could only be defeated by either Johnny or Cassie across two different battles.

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