Mortal Kombat 11: Series Outkasts That Need To Return

5. Shujinko


Shujinko is something of a polarising figure with Mortal Kombat fans as he represents an era many would rather forget.

Shujinko was the main character in Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest Mode. This mode was the series trying its hand at being an RPG of sorts and it was divisive to say the least. The game saw Shujinko, a young Earthrealm monk, travel between realms learning skills from all the great fighters of the MK series. Shujinko was unwittingly doing many terrible things like challenging the Elder Gods and collecting the Kamidogu relics for Onaga. So we can confidently say he isn't the smartest fighter on the roster.

While some fans can't stand him, Shujinko's journey from young boy to elder is one that is entirely unique to the Mortal Kombat series. And because of his story, Shujinko's powers are a melting pot of the other characters in the series. That makes him something of an all-rounder to play with and a rather special fighter. He might not be the most popular character in the Mortal Kombat legacy, but he's one worth revisiting. Especially in a story centered around re-writing the past.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.