Mortal Kombat Movie Trailer: Everything You Missed

4. Smoke/Noob-Saibot - The Arrival Of The Cyber Lin Kuei??

Mortal Kombat movie smoke
Warner Bros

A curious but tantalising shot to include in the trailer, we see what could be one of three things:

Either 1. This is just regular Sub-Zero, emerging from smoke that he somehow created. 2. It's the character "Smoke", another palette-swapped ninja from the older 2D titles who went on to be fan favourite, or 3. It's Noob Saibot, the reincarnation of the original Sub-Zero who pops up after Scorpion has had his revenge.

If this is indeed Smoke, his character is heavily involved with the emergence of the "Cyber Lin Kuei", a storyline focused on Sub-Zero's clan leader augmenting their brethren with cybernetic implants, racing to become the best fighters possible.

Cyber ninjas might be a bit too much to throw in on a whim, but it would make one hell of a sequel tease.

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